Our family is complete! We continue the story of growing our littlest members. . .

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Party party party

This has been a busy week of parties and debuts; we took our circus act on the road to New Richland again and made appearances at two grand occasions: my uncle Kipp's 50th birthday party in his giant shed, and my grandparents' 60th anniversary party in their backyard. 

We started at the birthday party Saturday night.  Of course I love going home and seeing family and friends and townspeople, but man is it a lot of work to bring four kids out and about.  Even at these places where people are more than willing to hold a baby (and this way people don't have to take turns as much since there are three times as many), I still have to monitor each one to see if the holdee needs a bottle or something.  And then when I am holding/feeding a baby, someone tells me Axel is peeking around the corner of the old well shed with his pants around his ankles and needs help pulling them back up.  I've become more of a multi-tasker than I'd ever dreamed I could be - holding a baby and holding his bottle with my chin so he can keep eating while I apologize for my kid who just peed and pull up pants on said kid who is trying to run after other kids.  I'm sweating just thinking about it.

Not much sleep Saturday night, as we left the party fairly late and had to awake early the next morning for church, per my grandparents' request that I and two cousins perform special music at the 8:30 service.  The regular organist was not able to attend on Sunday, so I filled in there, too, which was awesome because it gave me even more of an excuse to play the piano - something I don't get to make time for anymore! 

The anniversary party was a huge success, thanks to my mom and aunt and all their hard work organizing it.  The weather was beautiful and many family members came to celebrate and honor Winston and Lorraine and their 60 years of marriage, retelling the stories we hear every time we celebrate their anniversary, i.e., it rained cats and dogs the day they were married.  Jesse and I have been married only five years, but I hope we can sit around in our backyard 55 years from now and share stories of that day with our family and friends.  I'll put it on the calendar right now for April 2066. Yikes, is that a real year?

Axel had a great time at the parties, running nonstop with the exception of peeing behind the well shed and then behind the blue spruce in his great-grandparents' backyard.  More than one older relative on Sunday said he's got more energy than any kid they've ever seen.  Yes, I am aware, although I feel somewhat vindicated to have that confirmed by people who have certainly seen more kids than I have over their years.  He was so overtired Sunday night, and our plan to leave him at Grandma Mary's and return home didn't work out.  When we tried to leave he came running out of the house sobbing uncontrollably, so we stayed one more night to calm him down.  The next morning he was happy to give us hugs and wave good-bye to us with his grandma.  Whew.

Before all the partying on Saturday I got a sneak preview at my cousin Jodi's garage sale items as she cleaned out totes and totes of little boy clothes to sell.  Jackpot.  Three shopping bags and two hours later, I'll have some well-dressed triplets for the next couple of years.  I've mentioned that I love to shop, but that's not just in stores; garage sales are my friend, especially now with four kids.  And occasionally I've felt bad buying Axel a new shirt he doesn't really need, but now I can reason out that three more kids will wear it after him, so what the hell. . . get it.

Eero, Rex, and Magnus do make a nice novelty show at parties, and it was nice to have an outlet to introduce them to more family members, but it takes a toll on them, too.  They're finally getting back to their normal selves after all the commotion this weekend.  Tonight I gave them each a bath while Jesse was off testing tools with the firemen.  Typically these three hate baths, quite a change from Axel, but tonight they seemed to really relax and enjoy splashing.  Usually it's a very structured assembly line of bathing where each kid just gets washed and gets out, but tonight I was in no hurry so they were maybe more at ease, too.  And there was no Axel around trying to wash their feet and put M&Ms in their bathwater.  Also, they hadn't had a bath for a couple days and perhaps were glad to not smell anymore.

Yesterday we brought Magnus to the Ear Nose & Throat guy to see why he is such a noisy breather.   He put a scope through Mags' nose and down his throat to check this out, which of course Magnus was not wild about, but that is how he could see what was going on in there.  Turns out he has some (in lay terms) floppy cartilage in his throat that hasn't fully developed.  Since he is gaining weight and doing okay, the doctor prescribed some reflux medication to help with that and told us he will probably not need anything more drastic, like surgery.  Well, I hope not!  We'll follow up with him in a month to make sure it's progressing like it should.

This morning, per our pediatrician's suggestion but totally optional, an early childhood intervention specialist and the public health nurse came and did a screening to ensure our little ones are on track developmentally.  Happy to report that they are!  I wasn't sure if they needed something like this, but when the doctor pointed out that she thinks every child should have every opportunity to succeed, I thought she was right.  We are not too proud to get our children help if they need it, and I wouldn't want to regret down the road not getting them help if I could have.  But, right now, they're doing what they should be doing.  Whew again.

Below are some pictures from the anniversary party - I'm too lazy to try to get them in the middle somewhere.

Winston and Lorraine and their great grandchildren - Axel, Rex, Eero, Magnus and Elle, cousin Barry's little cutie

I think my brother Rusty and Axel called each other to dress alike that day.   Also, Rusty is 6'6" so imagine how high Axel is here.

Jesse told Axel if he is going to drink pretend tea from a tiny cup he has to stick his pinky out.

The party was too much for Magnus.

And Eero.

And Rex.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Breaktime is over

I took the week off.  Sorry to anyone who was checking for an update and never got one!  But now I actually have some interesting, baby-related things to say.

Yesterday Eero, Rex, and Magnus had their 4-month check-ups.  Wow, I know, four months already. . . crazy!  Pretty much all good news from the appointment, too.  Eero is up to 12 lbs 2 oz now, Rex is 12 lbs even, and Magnus is 9 lbs 13 oz.  They've all tripled their birth weight and have made progress on the growth chart.  Rex and Eero even made it on the chart now, and Magnus is still in the negative percentile, but all of them made big 'catch-up growths' since their 2-month appt.  Quite a change for us since Axel has always been in the 90th and above percentile.  Mags needs another follow-up with an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist, as he has kind of a phlegmy rattle in his throat and breathing sounds like work for him.  If he didn't have a check-up yesterday I probably would have brought him in to find out what that was, because it sounds awful!  I don't want him to work so hard to breathe.  The doctor thought it could be related to his reflux, and also may be contributing to his not being as vigorous an eater as the other two, so hopefully we can get this taken care of and he can catch up to his brothers!

Their doctor thought they should have their iron levels checked, so after our visit she sent us to labs to prick their heels and check hemoglobins.  We ended up with a trainee, which was fine, except that she had a well, let's call her a bitch, training her.  This poor girl could hardly touch the babies without this woman telling her she'd done it wrong.  Eero's sample clotted because his blood came out slow, which was not the trainee's fault, but then this evil woman said we had to prick him again and "This time, I'll do it," as if she can make him bleed faster.  We wanted to whisper to the girl who tried her best that we knew it wasn't her fault, but never got a chance.  I hope that woman didn't follow her around all day.

I've seen out my windows that it's been raining a lot - I don't get to leave the house that often even if it's not, so it doesn't affect me as much as it does most other people.  Before the excessive rain I was able to try out the triple stroller we acquired a few weeks ago; other than the flat tires it worked pretty well!  Jesse was not around to help me fill the tires at his shop, so I decided I would push it up to the gas station and get some free air there.  There's a big sign that says 'air', but no hose, so that was useless.  Also, an old lady cut me off with her minivan as I walked down the street and asked loudly, "Are they really triplets?"  No lady, I had one baby, but I love pushing four foot wide strollers with flat tires so I borrowed a couple of babies to fill it up.

Last Thursday Jesse and I actually got to leave home by ourselves for the first time since all the boys have been home.  We took the '57 Chevy to a photography gallery opening and dinner at the Lakeside Ballroom on Lake Minnewaska in Glenwood. which is delicious!  We've only ever been there for weddings so it was fun to just dine as regular people and be out on a date.  We even managed to talk about things other than little boys for most of the time in the car and at dinner.  Hooray, we still enjoy each other's company.

I will close with a couple of Axel's quotes since we missed a week.  I had a hard time choosing one this time, because honestly, every third thing he says is hilarious, but here goes:  In a sing-songy voice, "Mom, if you be a good boy maybe I'll bring you to the Pizza Ranch."  And secondly, in a nonsexual way of course, "Let's go in the living room and tickle ourselves."

Okay, so sometimes we do dress them alike, if people gave us three of a kind.

I just thought this was funny - Mags is so casual.

After lunch today I walked to the mailbox.  Axel ran after me in his underwear and mudboots yelling, "I'm coming too!" He didn't make it to the mailbox, because there's a big puddle next to the driveway.  Yeah, it was about 62 degrees at this point, and as we stood on the porch in sweatshirts Axel played in the puddle in his underwear.  In these pictures he ran and actually fell.  When we got him out of there he took his second of three showers for the day, and fell asleep on my shoulder as I fed a brother.  At least he wears himself out.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Snuggles and Scratches and Public Urination

I'm kind of tired.  We're raising some good sleepers around here, though - the last couple nights our little ones have gone between 4-6 hours at a shot.  Hooray!  Last night they all woke up around the same time, too, so we really only had to wake up one time to feed them.  Sometimes they each wake up 2-3 times, which means we wake up 6-9 times.  That's a lot of times in seven or so hours.  Axel's quote of the week, from last night when I told him to move over after we finished reading books in bed:  "Mom, I just like to lay close to you because you're warm like the covers."  Stupid me.  Don't ever make your kid move over when he's trying to snuggle with you, because pretty soon he won't even want you in his room.

I've decided that I don't know how to dress babies in the summer.  When it's literally 100 degrees outside I wear less clothing (don't get excited, it's not as cute as it sounds), and I've heard that if I am comfortable with the temperature, so are babies.  But when we stay inside most of the time, where it's the same temperature it was two months ago, it seems they should be covered up.  It's so confusing!  We went to Taco John's Tuesday evening, our six pack and a few extra pounds, and encountered a couple with twin girls just a few days younger than our triplets.  These little girls were dressed in little tiny halter sundresses, perfect for a hot day, while my boys were wearing their footie sleepers.  Then I felt kind of stupid, but it's cold in there!  Also, as we were leaving, Jesse told me I might want to check my purse for Potato Oles, because apparently while I was visiting with this other mom Axel was filling my purse with greasy round tots.  Nice.

We had a weekend of outings.  Last Friday we finally got around to having some real pictures taken of Eero, Rex, and Magnus, and our family.  The photographer blocked off three hours to shoot our family, which was great cause we needed all of it!  She told us it would be best if they would go to sleep, then we could manipulate them easier.  Of course they would not have that, which is exactly how Axel was when he had baby pictures taken, so it was a little tougher.  Also, Rex (Baby B, Naughty One) scratched the hell out of his face with a jagged fingernail the day before.  It looked like I gave him a razor blade to play with.  He had seven bloody scratches from cheek to cheek across his nose and upper lip.  Stinker.  Thank goodness for Photoshop; I don't want them completely removed because that is part of his character, but I'd like to see his face in the picture and not his battle wounds.
Here's the link - click on Allison (spelled wrong), password three.

Saturday Jesse had to work and Axel has been begging to go to the park, so the boys and I went to play and enjoy the weather.  That was my first time out with the four of them by myself.  Not too bad - takes a long time and a couple of trips to get everyone out of the car by myself and over to the playground.  Eero, Rex, Mags, and I camped out under a shady tree and Axel bounced from digger to slide to unnamed climbing apparatus.  We didn't last long, though, after he wanted to wrestle with some kid who didn't want to be wrestled; poor thing just stopped to stretch his legs with his grandparents on his way back to South Dakota.  That kid left, but then as I looked up from feeding somebody I saw Axel pulling his pants down and peeing on a tree.  I didn't want to yell in the park, so I had to put the baby down and run to him, but I was too late.  Also, there was a family reunion in the picnic shelter nearby, and they had a good chuckle, but we'd clearly worn out our welcome in the park. 

Sunday night we took Axel to the feetier, which is how he says theater, to see Rio.  We dined at Sub-a-way beforehand, another word he has made into three syllables, like Mag-uh-nus.  I ordered my BMT and had them put the vegetables on the side.  Did you know you can do that?  Someone told me about it, so I order my plain sandwich and request a side of toppings, and Axel eats a paper boat of lettuce, tomatoes, olives, cucumbers, and pickles, plus a little of our sandwiches.  What a weirdo, but good for him.  We are trying to still do things with just him. . . there's a new kind of mommy guilt that goes with parenting one kid plus multiples, but that's for another time.

Monday I took all three little boys to Willmar for groceries and Targety things, which went well as they slept the whole time.  I had one kid slung on my front and two seats in a cart, which was good because it keeps me from buying too much at both places.  I even managed to take a call from Jesse while pushing my cart with one hand, which must have been quite a sight.  Also, people at Cub are so helpful, the other customers and employees.  An old lady, I mean old lady, who looked like the one with a little bun in her hair who owned Tweety Bird on Looney Tunes, wanted to take one home with her.  The gentleman behind me put my groceries on the conveyer for me, and a young employee bagged my items even though I was in a bag-it-yourself line.  All the most generous and courteous people in this area must shop at Cub - remember the $100 lady?

I've also gotten to be out by myself this week - yesterday I helped set up the Relay for Life garage sale in town.  People there wanted to know how I escaped without kids (thanks Grandma Marsha), so I guess whether it's just me or me and a husband and 1-4 kids, people want to know how we've accomplished this.  I've also tried to start exercising a little more, and after walking and bicycling I've found the thigh muscles my body forgot I had.  It's going to be a long road back to my thinner self, but hopefully when the E, Rex, and Mags start to move I won't have time to eat.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Baptizing the masses

I mowed the lawn again tonight. . . I think now we've finally caught up with it and hopefully it won't look like we need to bale it anymore.  Somewhere behind Jesse's shop I ran out of gas, so headed to the house for the night.  On the way in I turned off the sprinklers that were going on some new grass so I could water the vegetables we planted.  When I'd finished watering I flung the hose in the air so it wouldn't drag across the little plants and shot myself in the ear with cold hose water.  Time to go inside.

Just after I started mowing, a friendly neighbor stopped by with a gift for our little guys.  When I turned the mower off I heard some whiny crying in the distance.  It was Axel, stuck in the mud I told him not to play in.  He was sitting down with his feet completely sunk in and covered.  Luckily I could reach him without getting stuck myself!  On the way back to the house he wanted to hold my hand and told me he should probably take a shower.  Good call.

And now the first in a new segment of this blog, Axel's Quote of the Week: "Holy crap! The sheriff just drove by!"

We had a big weekend here at the big green house - we celebrated the baptism of Eero, Rex, and Magnus.  The event has been on the calendar for several weeks, allowing Jesse's brother and his wife to make travel arrangements from the D.C. suburbs back to Minnesota.  And even though I began cleaning my home and planning the meal many days early, I was still up late Saturday night cutting Jesse's hair and up at five the next morning to frost the cakes I made (I forgot to order cake until Friday night so I had to make them myself - doh).

The actual baptism during church went very smoothly and was extra special because Jesse's dad performed the baptism. He is the previous pastor from our church, and he baptized Axel so we asked him to do the same for our next kids. Now they've all been baptized by their grandpa. None of them squawked too much - I hope they can still sing. I've heard if babies cry during their baptism it means they'll be good singers. My brother Adam and Jesse's brother Chris and wife Jen are their sponsors; we know they'll all provide excellent guidance. It was a wonderful day full of family togetherness and a delicious picnic-y dinner.

It took over 12 weeks, but we finally got a picture of all six of us.  A bit wild, but this is our life now.

Magnus, Eero, and Rex, piled up for a picture on their baptism day.

Where's Axel? I don't know, I think he went outside.  Oh, yep, here he is.  Playing in the dirt in his church clothes.