I've heard the weather is not nice. It looks pretty much the same out my window, which overlooks a snowy park and residential neighborhood. There are worse times to be stuck indoors.
Yesterday I had another biophysical in the dentist chair at 8:00 in the morning. The babies were highly cooperative for the first time ever and luckily so: there were two patients with 8:00 appointments and I got there a little before the other one. Turns out one of the ultrasound techs was stuck in traffic on 94 and wasn't there yet so the other patient had to wait until my test was done so my tech could also do her test. There are advantages to living in the hospital.
The latest concern, if you'd call it that, is that I've not really gained weight since I got here. This does not concern me, more like thrills me, but the doctor I saw today sent in an overly-friendly nutritionist to tell me to eat more. Check. I'm eating as much as I can, but there's just not that much room in here. They even brought me an Ensure along with my supper, but I was so full from the piece of lasagna and breadstick I couldn't drink it. Plus the vanilla shake drink did not appeal to me at all. I've never tried the stuff, but my dad drank it when he had cancer and that is maybe why I will not drink it.
Jesse came back Friday night, and Axel came back from Grandma's on Saturday and got to spend the weekend with us in this "nice hotel" - that's what he called it for the first few hours. I went on my first real field trip - wheelchair ride off the floor, to the cafeteria to eat lunch. This is a pretty nice place, from what I saw. We had a hard time getting Axel to take a nap that day, and he was pretty wound up. . . finally he thought it was a good idea to take a bath in my jacuzzi tub. That kid would take five baths a day if we let him. He helped the nurses hook up the baby monitors and make us microwave popcorn (he likes to push buttons). We weren't sure how he'd sleep here, but once we turned the lights off and calmed down he slept for 12 hours - hooray! Also, Jesse missed his firemen's Christmas party Saturday night to stay here with me - that is love. He looks forward to that party every year.
As I expected, Jesse wasn't thrilled that I put the word out for some food for him because he thought it made him sound incompetent, which he is not. That was not the intent! For the record, he is an excellent cook and quite a baker - you should have seen the Swedish tea ring he made for Christmas, from scratch. It was impressive. Anyway, people want to know what they can do for me, but I'm pretty well taken care of here. The biggest help for me would be to help take care of my boys, since I can't. So that's maybe more of a favor to me than to him.
Today the babies are 29 weeks - every week is a milestone and the staff here was very excited for us to get this far. I never doubted that we would.
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