Our family is complete! We continue the story of growing our littlest members. . .

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Deadlines schmeadlines

Time means just about nothing in this house nowadays.  I gave myself a weekly Wednesday deadline for writing, but I'll have to add it to the growing list of things that don't get done on a timely basis anymore. . .

Every day I make a list of what needs to get done; the next day I often rewrite that list because I did absolutely none of the things I intended to do!  Some days, like yesterday, I'm super productive but still don't get anything done.  Today I felt like all I did was feed babies and yet somehow I completed my list.  I've claimed all along that I will not be someone who has kids and lets herself go (for myself and for Jesse, particularly).  I make a point to put on real clothes and make-up most days. . . sometimes I revert to sweatpants.  Occasionally I'm in a robe until lunchtime (dear God, I am becoming my mom, right down to the used Kleenex in my robe pocket - love you, Ma); today about 1:00 I realized I hadn't washed my face or brushed my teeth yet.  I just flat out forgot.  That's pretty poor, hopefully it gets better.

All our boys are doing well.  They would be two weeks old had they been born on their due date, and are appropriately sized in that respect.  Eero and Rex are each over 8 lbs, while Magnus is over 6.  They've got chubby cheeks and fat little bellies and roly poly legs.  Rex especially would eat nonstop if we let him.  As it is they're all very good eaters and make it known every couple hours that they are hungry.  People have asked me what I do when all three babies are crying at once.  Most of the time I pick up the one who's the maddest (ahem Rex) and the other two cry a little longer.  I calm him down, then switch them out.  Eero, I am sorry to say, gets the shaft because he is the least needy.  Hopefully years from now he doesn't read this and blame emotional problems on my holding him the least.

Magnus has been off his caffeine for a week and has still had no spells - hooray!  Tomorrow the people from the monitor company are coming to download the information that's been collected on his monitor, and teach us how to use another piece of equipment that will keep an eye on him for another week or so.  Everyone involved in his care expects it to go on uneventfully and soon he can be done with all of this and so can we!

We've ventured out of the house a little more. . . we've been down to New Richland the last two weekends and all the boys traveled very well.  It's been wonderful to introduce them to family and friends for the first time, though I'm sometimes to reluctant to go.  We create such a scene everywhere we go and it's never our intent to steal the show or bring attention to ourselves, but it's hard to avoid.  I met my mom at the mall in Mankato Friday night and we visited with all kinds of people who stopped and marveled at the three babies and one Axel we were hauling around.  Everyone is very encouraging and happy for us, but I never really expected that kind of attention.  It's a little overwhelming at times!

Axel is as crazy as ever, but dealing well with not being the only kid in the house.  Every once in awhile he acts out for attention, but is generally good.  If he could go through life wearing no clothes, he'd be happy as a clam.  Someone knocked on our door this evening and he answered it wearing only a shirt and socks.  Luckily this gentleman was understanding as he is a dad.  Earlier today Axel went out on the porch and was yelling like crazy (I'm pretty sure with no pants on) and came back in and shut the door.  He announced to me that he threw his pretzel off the porch and yelled at the birds that they had to eat it.  Just a few minutes ago he told me he liked Oreos because they are milk's favorite cookie.  Always entertaining.

Happy mother's day all you mothers out there.  Have a great weekend!

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