Our family is complete! We continue the story of growing our littlest members. . .

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I bet you thought I died or something.  I have no real excuse for not writing for A MONTH, other than the time issue and some computer malfunctioning, but I could make time.  I always make time for the important things, like playing with my boys and making and eating cookies.

The good news is that I've started my weekly column in the Kerkhoven Banner and will now have something to post here weekly.  There are no pictures accompanying my column so I will put those on here.  We've had major snot issues in our house this week, and that is what I wrote about for the newspaper.  Classy, I know. 

This is going to be a mish-mash of information to bring you up to speed as best I can.

Last week my mom came for a few days and hung out with the babies while I updated our master bedroom.  How can you be updating? you may ask, You just built that house.  It's true.  The original color it was painted did not go with the tile we chose for the bathroom, and since the two are open to each other it needed to be fixed.  I also DIY'd (a la my friend Kelly - see http://www.kellysimonsays.blogspot.com/) myself a chocolate brown velvet headboard with nailhead trim, and it's freakin' awesome.  When I get the room completely put together I will post a picture, because I'm kind of proud.

Also, I need to decide what's more important when it comes to the kids spending too much time with grandmas - nice to have a break and get things done, but when grandmas go home the boys are SUPER needy and want to be held all the time.  Damn grandmas.

Axel started Norwegian-infused preschool a few weeks ago and loves it.  He came home speaking a little Norwegian after the second day, and it's so cute.  Also he has a love-hate relationship with a girl named Lauren.  They steal each other's toys and push each other's buttons, Ax giggles and she screams and then they're holding hands.  I had no idea this started at age 3. 

Every day he comes home with something on his shirt, telltale of what he's been doing in school that day.  It has ranged from mustard to chocolate milk, paint to glue.  When I was in kindergarten my mom had to call the teacher to find out why I always came home with paste on my corduroy pants.  I guess it's cause they don't put wet paper towels on the table for you to wipe it on.  Axel is my kid.

I took Eero, Rex, and Magnus to the 9th grade FACS class to be the "practical application" in a unit about babies, per the request of the FACS teacher.  I waddled into the building with Rex on my front and baby seats with Eero and Magnus in each hand, and a polite young man opened the door for me.  Of course I had to show up between classes so there were plenty of high schoolers to gawk at me in the hallway.  I am available for birth control promotional events, FYI.  The six girls in the class loved my boys, thought cloth diapers, which I showed them, were wonderful, but didn't know how I had the energy to do the laundry every day.  I don't know that either.

Tonight we went to the firemen's waffle supper.  I'm a little nervous, because the last time I went to a waffle supper, I took a ride in a helicopter the next day.
Thanks for your continued interest in our chaos.

I was trying to get more pictures to upload, but ever since our house got struck by lightning our computer has been kind of an idiot.  This one will have to do for now . . . may be telling of what is to come.

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