Our family is complete! We continue the story of growing our littlest members. . .

Friday, January 20, 2012

A day we'll never forget

This date sounded familiar to me, January 20th, and though I have been thinking about it for a few days up til now I kind of forgot until about an hour ago. At this time, exactly one year ago, on January 20th, I had just landed on the roof of North Memorial Hospital and was in the process of being checked over by a never ending stream of doctors and nurses and residents and passersby.  I flew in wearing a hospital gown, had my purse but not my phone, and I didn't leave for almost six weeks.  What seemed like a normal Thursday turned into what will probably/hopefully be one of the craziest and scariest days of my life!

I would never have guessed that I'd be living in the hospital.  I'd bought and read a book about expecting multiples, which had quotes from mothers who had been through it.  One woman talked about spending bedrest in the hospital, and I remember telling Jesse about it and we both said, "that would suck." The first few days, it did.  But I kind of got used to it, and though I don't miss having a giant belly and proportionate back pain, or the incessant IV ports in my arms, I do miss having time to myself, my own bathroom, control of the remote, and three meals and snacks delivered to my bedside daily.

And here we are, a year later, preparing for Axel's 4th birthday party and chasing three little crawlers around. Three little boys crawlers - never would have guessed that either. Our house is a disaster most of the time, and we get half as much sleep as everybody else.  I'm only about 12 pounds off of my pre- triplet pregnancy weight, fitting back into my old jeans (okay, with a bit of a muffin top, but they zip).  Overall, we're happy and blessed.

I don't have much else to say right now.  If you're wondering what happened a year ago, check out the post from that time.  Must have been about January 22, if you're looking back through the old ones. 

A couple pictures, because it seems these posts just aren't as interesting without them.

Magnus is the little explorer. He doesn't sit still long, and he's not afraid to go off where no one is and check stuff out. Here he climbed under the changing table, and is always ready with a smile for the camera.

All three of the little boys get their turns, and this time Axel decided to focus on Eero. They are playing under a blanket on the floor.

This picture just makes us laugh, because Rex is so sedentary. He's starting to crawl now (last one), and maybe he'll tone up, though I hope not. All the other boys are so skinny.

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