Our family is complete! We continue the story of growing our littlest members. . .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Puffed up for Valentine's Day

Happy happy Valentine's Day everybody.  Hope you are all able to celebrate as you like - I know some people really go to town with gifts and outings.  Luckily, we are not those people.  The last couple years we had a little family celebration, making a homemade heart-shaped pizza and heart cookies, brownies, etc.  Axel's big on helping in the kitchen, and putting on pizza toppings or sprinkles brings him as much happiness as anything else.  We'll be missing out on that this year, but it's definitely something we can do when we get home.

Jesse moved in on Thursday and with him a lot of stuff.  Our room is definitely "lived in."  This will be another testament to the strength of our marriage, I believe . . . for those of you who are married, imagine sitting next to each other in the same room for days on end and sharing the remote for a limited number of channels.  We are doing well, but I can see that it has the potential to be rather stressful on a relationship!  Axel went to stay with Grandma Mary again, and is keeping her very busy, of course.  When I call to check on them, she sighs and says he's on the move all the time and into everything.  Yes, Mom, this is not brand new information.  I live with him, remember?

Saturday we had some family visitors, which breaks up the day for sure.  They were all enjoying the nice weather outside, but didn't really rub it in.  Thanks guys!  I'm sure by the time we're done here it will be cold again.  When Axel was born it was about two degrees, so it probably won't be that bad, but who knows - it is Minnesota.  Sunday I sent Jesse to McDonald's for supper, sort of against his will . . . partly because he doesn't really like McDonald's and partly because I made him go at 4:45.  I'm on the hospital / early bird meal schedule, so I (the four of us) get hungry earlier than most people.

Now for the babies (you probably thought I was never going to get to them).  Saturday evening I started having pretty regular contractions, more than they thought I should be having, but a pill later they had subsided.  The doctor said my body is definitely preparing to deliver the babies, that's why the contractions.  When a person is carrying three babies, her uterus is 12 weeks bigger than a person carrying one baby - that means right now, I am almost 43 weeks pregnant.  Feels like it.  Cousin Gabe and his wife Katie had brought us some cookies and hoped they wouldn't make me go into labor, so we kind of chuckled after I ate one and started having contractions.  I ate one yesterday, too, and nothing happened, so that was just a coincidence.

It was a good day to have those distractions. . . Saturday marked four years since my dad passed away.  I have to say a little while trying not to make myself sob, I do miss him every day and especially at times like this when something happens that he would have been a big part of.  To never have him meet my kids, or have them meet him, is heartbreaking!  But some of his best advice was "God won't give us anything we can't handle," and he keeps finding ways to prove that to me, e.g. carrying triplets and being hospitalized for a month.  I get it, Dad!  I'm ready to have these kids any day, but I really hoped it wouldn't be that day, because it'd be hard to commemorate the worst day of my life and one of the best at the same time.

This morning we finally got to have an ultrasound to check the growth of these little monsters.  The news was pretty good - Baby A is 3 lbs 11 oz, Baby B is 3 lbs 13 oz, and C (the runt) is 2 lbs 10 oz.  Add it up, that's over ten pounds of baby. Ugh.  Everyone is still functioning well and the doctors are ecstatic that we've almost made it to 31 weeks (tomorrow). 

Whenever the babies are ready to come out, I, too, am ready.  The nurses told me the other day my face looks puffy (which means fatter in my book), and today the doctor did what he called a finger test on my leg.  He pushed three fingers into the top of my ankle and held them there for a few seconds, and when he removed his fingers the indents were still there.  Cute.  Any day now, kids.  The compression socks are getting old.

Okay, well I guess I'm done now. Hope your Valentine's Day is full of love. 

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