Our family is complete! We continue the story of growing our littlest members. . .

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Orange drink and pi

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday.  Not too much to report, sorry to say - but that's good news, too, I suppose.  I was tested again for gestational diabetes.  Anyone had that test?  You drink a little jug of sweet orange noncarbonated liquid.  If you went to the New Richland elementary school and remember having the "orange drink" at the Halloween parade, you can relate.  I've seen it in the grocery store since then, and that's what it's called: "orange drink."  I haven't heard yet from the doctor if I have gestational diabetes - the nurse will call me I suppose.  Apparently excessive thirst is one of the symptoms of gestational diabetes, and I've been excessively thirsty lately, however it turns out our house is at 25% humidity right now so maybe that's why.  Hardly leaving the house is causing me to dry out.  Me and the Christmas tree that is still in our living room.

The doctor's visit was short otherwise. . . I am sad to say that I did not not gain weight this week.  But I guess I can't do that every week.  I may have to stop looking at the scale pretty soon; it helps to remind myself that there are four people stepping on the scale.  The babies' heartbeats are all strong - quite a bit lower than last week.  Maybe the Squirt I drank before my appointment had a calming effect.  They're still very active - yesterday they almost spilled the bowl of puppy chow I placed on my belly.  Darn kids.  They're certainly related to Axel.

Baby A, though the biggest, has been the least wiggly, but seems to be picking up now.  We refer to them at check-ups as Baby A, B, and C.  If you were standing face to face with me, the babies are positioned in kind of a pi symbol (you know, 3.14...).  Baby A is the right leg, B is the left leg, and C is the bridge across the top.  That's where they've dug in and that's where they'll stay.  Next week we have another ultrasound, so that should be a more exciting baby update. 

Bedrest is actually not as bad as I thought.  It helps that it's winter and cold and relatively unpleasant outdoors.  I also highly recommend Netflix!  We said a person could almost cancel satellite service and just watch this stuff all the time.  No commercials.  However, as I get older I love watching the news (my dad would be so proud) and the news is not on Netflix.  Neither are the Twins, Timberwolves, Gophers, etc.  I guess we'll keep the dish, too.

Thanks, everyone, who has been supportive of this idea to write about what's happening.  It's nice to know people are thinking about us, because I do feel kind of isolated in our big green house.  Writing this and reading responses is a nice connection to the outside world!  I'm so looking forward to the nice weather, planting a garden, playing "bat and ball" with Ax, doing whatever can be done outside with three infants (what would that be exactly?).


  1. Thanks for posting again! Glad to hear bedrest is agreeing with you, and hope you get a speedy "thumbs up" from the doctor.

  2. I just signed up for Netflix and am so excited as I was looking through the movies! I am glad everything is going well...hope that continues!
