As I watch a skinny Drew Carey host The Price is Right, I see now that there are a bunch of schools closing early here. Is it the cold? The wind? Sometimes I forget that it's maybe not that nice out - winter bedrest is kind of a treat. I like being ordered to not go out in the weather.
It's been a busy week at the Nelson house. Maybe it just seems busy because I've become accustomed to doing nothing. The highlight, of course, was Axel turning 3 on Tuesday. After much discussion on how to celebrate his birthday, he decided we should go to McDonald's and eat Chicken McNuggets. So that is what we did. Earlier in the day he had helped me make a Funfetti cake, even cracking the eggs himself (only one piece of shell in the bowl and one whole egg out of the bowl - not bad). When we got home we lit candles on his cake, which he blew out and we relit about four times so he could do it again. It doesn't take much to make a three year old happy on his birthday!
Yesterday we had the weekly baby check-up and every third week ultrasound. Sad news in the weight gain department again. No more Cheetos. The babies heartbeats are still strong, back up a little from last week. Baby A (pi's right leg) has flipped around again and is head down, matching B. A and B are 2 lbs 6 oz and 2 lbs 5 oz, respectively, so our pi has strong legs. Baby C (the bridge on the top) is turning out to be kind of a runt, weighing in at only 1 lb 13 oz. It's been the smallest all along, and so far the growth is not too much behind the bigger two. However, the fact that it is significantly smaller now means they'll be keeping a close eye on it. The ultrasound tech said she could measure each baby 50 times and get 50 different results, depending on how wiggly and cooperative they're being. That is why, the doctor said, they track growth over time. Baby C could be getting less nutrients than the other two, or it could just be a smaller person. Both grandmas have suggested this is a girl, so it will be interesting to see if they are right. Hopefully it is just a smaller person and doesn't have growth issues. If it gets to the point where this baby is not getting what it needs, it will be time to take it out, and it's not possible to take one and not the other two, so we could meet them sooner than we were hoping if that is the case.
Next week, at 28 weeks, I start weekly ultrasounds to track movements and breathing of each baby, what they call a biophysical, and a nonstress test. This will take up the better part of a morning. If there is a cause for concern, they will start these tests twice a week. The medical staff and I will be very close when all is said and done! But surely it is good to be proactive.
Last night the Lions in town had a waffle supper, which I had been looking forward to for awhile. With almost seven pounds of baby in me I only had room for one waffle, though. Doh. THEN, we had to come home and watch Wheel of Fortune, because Jesse's senior prom date was a contesant. She was the big winner and everything. I told Axel that Daddy was probably going to run off with this woman on TV since she had come into some money. He looked at him very plainly and said, "No, don't do that." I guess we get to keep him.
Oh my dear. I will pray that Bridge Baby starts to catch up with the Pylons. I, too, suspect BB is a girl with two shovey brothers getting the good stuff before she has a chance! Perhaps you could try standing on your head for hours at a time and see if anything changes. Just a thought. Happy birthday to Axel and love to you all. Aunt Julie