Yesterday Eero, Rex, and Magnus had their 4-month check-ups. Wow, I know, four months already. . . crazy! Pretty much all good news from the appointment, too. Eero is up to 12 lbs 2 oz now, Rex is 12 lbs even, and Magnus is 9 lbs 13 oz. They've all tripled their birth weight and have made progress on the growth chart. Rex and Eero even made it on the chart now, and Magnus is still in the negative percentile, but all of them made big 'catch-up growths' since their 2-month appt. Quite a change for us since Axel has always been in the 90th and above percentile. Mags needs another follow-up with an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist, as he has kind of a phlegmy rattle in his throat and breathing sounds like work for him. If he didn't have a check-up yesterday I probably would have brought him in to find out what that was, because it sounds awful! I don't want him to work so hard to breathe. The doctor thought it could be related to his reflux, and also may be contributing to his not being as vigorous an eater as the other two, so hopefully we can get this taken care of and he can catch up to his brothers!
Their doctor thought they should have their iron levels checked, so after our visit she sent us to labs to prick their heels and check hemoglobins. We ended up with a trainee, which was fine, except that she had a well, let's call her a bitch, training her. This poor girl could hardly touch the babies without this woman telling her she'd done it wrong. Eero's sample clotted because his blood came out slow, which was not the trainee's fault, but then this evil woman said we had to prick him again and "This time, I'll do it," as if she can make him bleed faster. We wanted to whisper to the girl who tried her best that we knew it wasn't her fault, but never got a chance. I hope that woman didn't follow her around all day.
Last Thursday Jesse and I actually got to leave home by ourselves for the first time since all the boys have been home. We took the '57 Chevy to a photography gallery opening and dinner at the Lakeside Ballroom on Lake Minnewaska in Glenwood. which is delicious! We've only ever been there for weddings so it was fun to just dine as regular people and be out on a date. We even managed to talk about things other than little boys for most of the time in the car and at dinner. Hooray, we still enjoy each other's company.
I will close with a couple of Axel's quotes since we missed a week. I had a hard time choosing one this time, because honestly, every third thing he says is hilarious, but here goes: In a sing-songy voice, "Mom, if you be a good boy maybe I'll bring you to the Pizza Ranch." And secondly, in a nonsexual way of course, "Let's go in the living room and tickle ourselves."
Okay, so sometimes we do dress them alike, if people gave us three of a kind. |
I just thought this was funny - Mags is so casual. |
These are the best days of your life. Thank you for sharing them.