I'm kind of tired. We're raising some good sleepers around here, though - the last couple nights our little ones have gone between 4-6 hours at a shot. Hooray! Last night they all woke up around the same time, too, so we really only had to wake up one time to feed them. Sometimes they each wake up 2-3 times, which means we wake up 6-9 times. That's a lot of times in seven or so hours. Axel's quote of the week, from last night when I told him to move over after we finished reading books in bed: "Mom, I just like to lay close to you because you're warm like the covers." Stupid me. Don't ever make your kid move over when he's trying to snuggle with you, because pretty soon he won't even want you in his room.
I've decided that I don't know how to dress babies in the summer. When it's literally 100 degrees outside I wear less clothing (don't get excited, it's not as cute as it sounds), and I've heard that if I am comfortable with the temperature, so are babies. But when we stay inside most of the time, where it's the same temperature it was two months ago, it seems they should be covered up. It's so confusing! We went to Taco John's Tuesday evening, our six pack and a few extra pounds, and encountered a couple with twin girls just a few days younger than our triplets. These little girls were dressed in little tiny halter sundresses, perfect for a hot day, while my boys were wearing their footie sleepers. Then I felt kind of stupid, but it's cold in there! Also, as we were leaving, Jesse told me I might want to check my purse for Potato Oles, because apparently while I was visiting with this other mom Axel was filling my purse with greasy round tots. Nice.
We had a weekend of outings. Last Friday we finally got around to having some real pictures taken of Eero, Rex, and Magnus, and our family. The photographer blocked off three hours to shoot our family, which was great cause we needed all of it! She told us it would be best if they would go to sleep, then we could manipulate them easier. Of course they would not have that, which is exactly how Axel was when he had baby pictures taken, so it was a little tougher. Also, Rex (Baby B, Naughty One) scratched the hell out of his face with a jagged fingernail the day before. It looked like I gave him a razor blade to play with. He had seven bloody scratches from cheek to cheek across his nose and upper lip. Stinker. Thank goodness for Photoshop; I don't want them completely removed because that is part of his character, but I'd like to see his face in the picture and not his battle wounds.
Here's the link - click on Allison (spelled wrong), password three.
Saturday Jesse had to work and Axel has been begging to go to the park, so the boys and I went to play and enjoy the weather. That was my first time out with the four of them by myself. Not too bad - takes a long time and a couple of trips to get everyone out of the car by myself and over to the playground. Eero, Rex, Mags, and I camped out under a shady tree and Axel bounced from digger to slide to unnamed climbing apparatus. We didn't last long, though, after he wanted to wrestle with some kid who didn't want to be wrestled; poor thing just stopped to stretch his legs with his grandparents on his way back to South Dakota. That kid left, but then as I looked up from feeding somebody I saw Axel pulling his pants down and peeing on a tree. I didn't want to yell in the park, so I had to put the baby down and run to him, but I was too late. Also, there was a family reunion in the picnic shelter nearby, and they had a good chuckle, but we'd clearly worn out our welcome in the park.
Sunday night we took Axel to the feetier, which is how he says theater, to see Rio. We dined at Sub-a-way beforehand, another word he has made into three syllables, like Mag-uh-nus. I ordered my BMT and had them put the vegetables on the side. Did you know you can do that? Someone told me about it, so I order my plain sandwich and request a side of toppings, and Axel eats a paper boat of lettuce, tomatoes, olives, cucumbers, and pickles, plus a little of our sandwiches. What a weirdo, but good for him. We are trying to still do things with just him. . . there's a new kind of mommy guilt that goes with parenting one kid plus multiples, but that's for another time.
Monday I took all three little boys to Willmar for groceries and Targety things, which went well as they slept the whole time. I had one kid slung on my front and two seats in a cart, which was good because it keeps me from buying too much at both places. I even managed to take a call from Jesse while pushing my cart with one hand, which must have been quite a sight. Also, people at Cub are so helpful, the other customers and employees. An old lady, I mean old lady, who looked like the one with a little bun in her hair who owned Tweety Bird on Looney Tunes, wanted to take one home with her. The gentleman behind me put my groceries on the conveyer for me, and a young employee bagged my items even though I was in a bag-it-yourself line. All the most generous and courteous people in this area must shop at Cub - remember the $100 lady?
I've also gotten to be out by myself this week - yesterday I helped set up the Relay for Life garage sale in town. People there wanted to know how I escaped without kids (thanks Grandma Marsha), so I guess whether it's just me or me and a husband and 1-4 kids, people want to know how we've accomplished this. I've also tried to start exercising a little more, and after walking and bicycling I've found the thigh muscles my body forgot I had. It's going to be a long road back to my thinner self, but hopefully when the E, Rex, and Mags start to move I won't have time to eat.
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